A Century with Rosita
Rosalía Lourdes Elisa Palet Bonavia, internationally known as Rosita Fornés, was (and will always be) the great star of Cuba. A hundred years have passed this February 11th since her birth, and her thousands (one could say millions) of admirers are still not used to her absence.
Her absence, in any case, is relative. Many film testimonies, recordings for record houses, radio and television have remained of her art. As well as films, zarzuelas, musicals, plays, television programs.
She shone in practically all genres of performing arts, and was also a unique singer, with extraordinary empathy and performing strength.
Rosita was an actress with proven credentials, who felt comfortable in comedy, but who also convinced in drama. Although her greatest contributions, which put her in the elite group of essentials, are in musical theater.
But past her huge talent, Rosita was an exceptional human being, a rational and noble woman. She was one of the most beloved Cuban artists. She earned a privileged place in the mind of the Cuban people.
In one of her last interviews, granted to this website, she stated: «... they have given me many awards: diplomas, trophies, medals... they are there, in the next room. I think they are proof that I have had a life. But I say to you and I will always repeat it: the greatest prize is the love and affection that my people have shown me. Artists know that: nothing beats applauses. Those have no comparison."
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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