Cuba Soap Opera: “Alejandro and Januel have both a lot in common”


Cuba Soap Opera: “Alejandro and Januel have both a lot in common”
Fecha de publicación: 
21 March 2025
Imagen principal: 

In his own words, with the same charm as his character in Sábados de Gloria, Januel Hernández speaks like a true Cuban—warm, expressive, and full of life. He is a young actor with everything it takes to achieve his dreams: passion, talent, and perseverance. From Omara’s bar to the virtual pages of CubaSí, we share an interview with Cuban actor Januel Hernández Ojeda.

How did you land a role in Sábados de Gloria?

"While working on Renacer, I found out they were casting for Sábados de Gloria, so I decided to audition. That’s where I met Tamara Castellanos —an amazing woman. I auditioned for the role of Alex from the start. I did not try out for any other character, and, thank God, I got the part."

Even though you were in Renacer, now you have a much bigger role in a soap opera. What challenges did this experience bring? What did you enjoy the most?

"The biggest challenge of playing a major character is preparing it from scratch, building it from the ground up. I think that was the biggest challenge for me, facing a character like Alejandro, whom I absolutely loved playing. I adored bringing Alejandro to life. What I enjoyed the most was the process. For me, the process was beautiful; I learned so much, I interacted with incredible actors like Jaime Alvariño, Bárbaro Marín, and Roque Moreno. I learned a lot from these great actors, and it was a marvelous experience."

In what ways do Ale and Januel resemble one another?

"Alejandro and I share numerous similarities—perhaps more than 80%. On an emotional level, we are very much alike. We both strive for peace, seek love, and endeavor to help others in any way we can. Our strongest connection lies in these shared values and aspirations.

"Additionally, our personal journeys are quite similar. In the show, Alejandro mentions that he applied to the ISA (Instituto Superior de Arte) twice but was not accepted. This mirrors my own experience, as I also attempted to enter the ISA on two occasions without success. However, while Alejandro chose to abandon his pursuit and instead became a bartender—ultimately discovering his true vocation—I did not give up. I continued striving, pursued theater, obtained my professional certification, and today, I am actively working with my theater company, Luditeatro.

"I appreciate all forms of acting, including film and television, but theater holds a special place in my heart. It is often said that theater keeps actors alive, and while that may sound cliché, I firmly believe it. I am profoundly grateful to be doing what I love."

Your character, “the guy from the bar,” has been very well received by audiences. How are you handling this newfound recognition? Have you had any notable interactions with fans?

"Every encounter with the audience is meaningful, but I had a particularly amusing experience just yesterday. I was visiting my girlfriend’s family, and as I was leaving, a group of people recognized me. They greeted me warmly and said, ‘Hey, you’re the guy from the soap opera!’ We engaged in conversation, and at one point, someone asked, ‘But what are you doing here in Guanabacoa?’ I simply replied, ‘I’m here visiting my girlfriend’s grandmother.’ It was a lighthearted and enjoyable moment.

"I deeply appreciate the people of Guanabacoa; their energy is truly special.

"I am incredibly grateful for the support I have received—from social media interactions to the kind words of people I meet in the streets. Whether I am in a car, on a bus, or simply walking, the affection from the audience is overwhelming. This experience is entirely new to me, and while at times surprising, it fills me with immense joy."

You are a self-taught actor. How difficult was it to reach this point in your career, and what motivated you to persevere?

"Indeed, as I previously mentioned, I did not have the opportunity to formally study acting. After being rejected by the ISA twice, I turned to theater as a means of developing my craft. My journey began at Olga Alonso under the guidance of the exceptional Humberto Rodríguez. I later joined Berenjena Teatro with Anaisi, then moved on to Rita Montaner with César, and finally found my place at Luditeatro, where I currently work under the mentorship of Miguel Abreu. It is there that I truly honed my skills and obtained professional recognition.

"I am a man of faith, and I firmly believe in God’s plans for each of us. His timing is perfect, and everything happens when it is meant to. That unwavering faith is what has driven me forward throughout my journey."

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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