Cuba, are its fugitives real?


Cuba, are its fugitives real?
Fecha de publicación: 
15 July 2014
Imagen principal: 

After the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, Washington fabricated an image: Cubans fleeing their nation.

Since then, the open or implicit version showed the island as a hell shaken by Communist suppression.

From then on, the North has mounted multiple stories regarding persecutees seeking freedom.

But there’s no word about those who carry out such political machinations and their big accompanying business.

Moreover, a recent event exposed again considerable part of the fiction woven around the alleged harassed people who flee Cuba.

Actually, that plot has involved both top US officials and nasty-looking ruffians.

Four years ago, on July 1st, Florida Southern District Court Judge Jose E. Martinez, sentenced citizen Antonio Comin, 56, from Miami-Dade County, to 20 years in prison.

The defendant was convicted for heading an extensive network that conspired to smuggle Cuban immigrants into US soil, thus said the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

It has also said in advance that he would go to jail for inducing aliens to enter U.S. and human smuggling for private financial gain.

According to his records, in January 2012, his network managed to reach Florida Keys by boat with 29 Cubans on board.

One of them, Rogelio Martin Hernandez, had previously been deported back to Havana after completing a sanction for cocaine trafficking.

Nine months later, Comin was captured by US authorities when his vessel ran out of gas near Bahamas carrying 21 Cuban immigrants.

But not only has this kind of delinquents taken part in the aforementioned human smuggling, generally sold to the media as fleeing Communism.

But also others like Brothers to the Rescue, an appendix of Miami-based extreme right-wing Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF).

That group, allegedly created to aid people who flee their nation by sea, was mixed with drug trafficking activities.

Thanks to three US airplanes, which Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen ensured to them with that ‘noble excuse’, they launched repeated provocations against the island.

And all linked to tempting promises of the Cuban Adjustment Act, which Washington signed on November 2nd, 1996 to encourage illegal departures from the Caribbean nation.

As part of a more recent history, last June 21st, the Department of State included Cuba on its list of countries that do not comply with the standards geared at avoiding human trafficking

In reply, Cuba’s Chancellery affirmed that U.S. is one of the countries in the world with bigger problems of trafficking in children and women.

It also said that Washington has no moral authority to speak about the topic, because within its territory that kind of trafficking averages some 2,000 Americans annually.

Hence another example of the vast propaganda web built around Cuba and its reality.

Add to this, terms like ‘embargo’ (blockade), exile, dissidents and the like, but there will be time to expose them.

Jorge Mesa Benjamín / Cubasí Translation Staff

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