Local Albahaca Herb for Health


Local Albahaca Herb for Health
Fecha de publicación: 
29 August 2018
Imagen principal: 

The local Albahaca is a bush that can reach a meter high with many wide and aromatic leaves which are often used in the Italian cook and It has small flowers of lilac, white and read colors.

It is about medicinal plant, which is also locally known as Alhábega, Alfábega, Basílica and Hierba real. It is useful to make a homemade cure for cough and sort throat. Its scientific name is Ocimumbasilicum.

That plant usually gets the direct sunray and it can be planted in well-drained flowerpots which do not accumulate water, but it needs it could be watered regularly and planted in flowerpots and well-fertilized plots of lands. It does not usually stand excessive coldness or heat. It does not resist many related harvests; therefore, it is necessary to plant it again.

Its leaves have an intense green color with many medicinal and cooking properties and it has a smell that makes people to feel happy. These are some the reasons by which the Albahaca plant should not be absent from the ecological and urban garden.

Local Albahaca Herb for Health

It grows easily in courtyards and gardens and the treatment against cough, phlegm, wound-scar formation, stomach disorders, lack of appetite, gases, soar throat, tonsillitis, snore disorders while sleeping, as well as nauseas, colics, anxiety, migraine and the beat of insects, are among its properties.

Its properties include its antispasmodic, digestive, anti-bacteria, fungicidal, insecticide, astringent, cicatrizant, stimulating and inflammatory reactions.

The leaves and stalks of this plant are the parts used of it to season potato omelets, meat soups, fish, chickens, salads, stuffed dishes, as well as sauces, sweets and liquors.The Albahaca plant can be perfectly combined with dishes which include tomate, olive oil, lemon, read meats, pastry and cheeses.

It is plant for an annual harvest and it comes from India and it certainly combines well with many foods like the tomato, aromatic plants like oregano, garlic and onions.

That plant prefers the warm environments and it does not stad the extreme cold. Its ideal temperature ranges from 15 to 25 Centigrade graded and it requires a fertile and fresh soil, besides, it survives well in an illuminated environment. However, it tolerates a semi-shadow one.

Although its most fruitful sowing process takes place in seedbeds, it could also be carried out in soil or in a flowerpot by burying its seeds up to 2 centimeters deep.

Local Albahaca Herb for Health

The most proper time for it is from February to April in humid land, then it is convenient provide them a higher quantity of light after 15 days, approximately.

Its proximity to other plants will keep it far from insects and plagues, especially the tomatoes which are also favored by it because of it protect them from parasites and it increases their flavors. It is much better to plant the aforementioned plant in places sheltered from the wind, taking into account that its branches are easily broken when there is an intense wind.

It is convenient to prune them every two weeks to secure a strong plant and abundant foliage. It is much better to water the soil directly than its leaves, instead.

If we wanted it to grow much more, then it is convenient to take out its flowers, unless we wanted to collect its seeds. However, we could use its pruned leaves for a year period. The best occasion for collecting and preserving it is precisely, as we have seen up to here, before its flowering period. Once it was collected, it could be used by us.

Local Albahaca Herb for Health

To frozen it, it is the best way to preserve it to be used and it should be placed in small quantities in the freezer compartment. Once is collected, it is advisable to hung it up side down in a fresh place under a shadow. Once it was dried, it should be placed into a glassed container.

Another of its benefits is the fact about being a sedative as if it was consumed at night, then it would help enjoying a pleasant dream. It is also antiseptic and anti-inflammatory one, thus, being a proper allied to face influenza.

It regulates the nerve system and it is recommended in cases of stress. It is a good and natural painkiller, especially in feverish conditions or general weakness sensation. It is a very digestive plant that helps correcting the gastrointestinal disorders.

By Teresa Valenzuela

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