Carlos Solar Will Be the Villain Again

Carlos Solar is soon returning to Cuban homes through the soap opera Sábados de Gloria. We spoke with the talented Cuban actor about this new project.
The last time we saw you in a soap opera was in Asuntos Pendientes, where you played Gerardo, quite a "troublesome" character. Who will you be in Sábados de Gloria?
"That's right, Sábados de Gloria is about to be premiered. In this soap opera, I take on a character that presented a significant interpretive challenge due to his accent. That was the most complex part, and I dare say, the most appealing as well. I hope the audience enjoys it and fully immerses themselves in the story. As a preview, I can tell you that he is a negative character."
In Calendario, you did not treat Professor Amalia very well either, but Manolito, in En tiempos de amar, before falling into a coma, was the epitome of a loving husband. What type of roles do you prefer?
"I do not have a preference for roles, whether negative or positive. I am more drawn to falling in love with the stories, the conflicts, and the opportunities characters offer to explore the challenging paths of the human condition."
What other projects are you currently involved in?
"I have recently started working on a project with director Consuelo Ramírez for the program El cuento. It features a moving script and a story that reminds us to value life, treasure our health, and fully appreciate our loved ones, as these are the most important things we have.
Additionally, I am eagerly awaiting the airing of Sábados de Gloria and the premiere of the film 5 Historias de Amor y un Bolerón Desesperado, a wonderful experience under the direction of Arturo Santana."
It seems Carlos Solar is approaching 2025 with very positive vibes. What message would you like to share with the audience as we start this new year?
"I am starting 2025 with a lot of optimism. I hope it will be a better year for everyone. As for me, I am eager to embark on new projects. To the audience, always expect the best from me as an actor, even when you do not feel drawn to some of my work. Know that I gave it my all and that you should fight tirelessly for your dreams, no matter how wild they may seem."
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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