Roxana: Renacer's perfect villain


Roxana: Renacer's perfect villain
Fecha de publicación: 
6 September 2024
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Young actress Ary Fonseca comments on her time in the current soap opera “Renacer,” with a character that will definitely mark a turning point in her professional career.

There is still much to see from the soap opera Renacer but, indisputably, “Roxana showed from her appearance that she would cause tongues to wag with her unexpected presence.”

While so far everything is despicable about her behavior, almost quietly, she said: “I am tired of being used;” perhaps there are some significant keys hidden there that will allow us not to hate her completely at the end of the way. But as I said, there is still a lot to go.

As of now, the actress Ary Fonseca, who is also involved in the Lucas television project, continues to unfold and with great pleasure gave us a few minutes to get closer to “Roxana”.

How did you conceive “Roxana”?

“The first thing I confess is that when I started reading the script for the character of “Roxana,” I honestly felt rejection towards her, and I even talked about it with the director. I remember it was something like this: “I’m on episode X, and I really dislike her.” And she simply answered me: “Yes, but the only one who can’t dislike her is you.”

That was a total trigger for me. From that moment on, I began to study her and I saw that in order not to fall into a cliché I had to humanize her. It’s true, she’s a bad person, but why, how much is there behind each word or action of hers. What’s going on in her life, where she comes from, what her background is, and from there I was able to create a story and I tried to go deeper into her feelings and why she did things… I can only tell this much” (smiles).

How much of yourself did you lend to the character?

“The character of “Roxana” and I have nothing in common. I am a super enterprising person, very hard-working and organized. On a personal level, the story I built for her has nothing to do with my life. I think the only points of contact I have with the character are the fact that we are conceited and always want to be well-groomed. Of course, the most important thing is that we both come from the countryside, just with very different destinies and attitudes.”

How do you remember the filming stage and what’s your opinion on the work you did?

“The filming stage was a unique experience for me. In fact, totally different from my experience in the soap opera El derecho de sueño. On that occasion, the recordings took place over a week, that is, I had never faced such a long filming with everything that implies; carrying the character with me for six months was something huge because “Roxana” is in many locations, which translates into many calls, so I was “Roxana” for quite a while. And adopting it in my life made me continue living it for sometimes outside work. At one point, I was sitting in a place and suddenly I felt like I was watching the character.

I remember that sometimes when I was talking to my friends, I could suddenly feel like her. And that is because I focused for so long on the role, and unconsciously, Roxana stays inside.

But, without a doubt, the taste that the character left me with is one of total satisfaction. I confess that I loved building it, studying it and experiencing each of its emotions, its transitions because she is a person with many ups and downs and suddenly it is generating and calculating so many actions at the same time, that it is a total “machine” of emotions. So at the end of the filming, the only thing I could think of was to make a video crying for the farewell, because getting up and knowing that there is no more, that what you did is over, leaves an inexorable nostalgia. And that is how it is, everything that begins has to end and the result is what you are watching on screen. Oh yes, of course, I will miss “Roxana” a lot.

What has been the biggest challenge when taking on “Roxana”?

“In general, “Roxana” was a great challenge. It was my first big character on television, my first co-star, a negative one, by the way. Certainly, all actors want to be given an evil character at some point in their career, so I am very happy that I got it so young, and with such little professional experience.

I am extremely pleased to see myself in it, because I always hoped that the public could achieve some empathy with her, despite everything, and understand that although she portrays negative actions, there is always more than one reason. I would like to invite viewers to not focused solely on her actions and understand, then, the reasons behind every action. That would be the greatest reward for me.”

Ary, what are you doing these days?

I have several projects, which satisfy me greatly. On July 27, Una calle y mil caminos, a telefilm I made with Alberto Luberta, is scheduled to be aired. In it, I also play a negative character, but different from “Roxana.” I recorded a teleplay with Elena Palacio entitled “Amistad funesta.” I am involved in a story with Hape, entitled Oedipus the King, I still don't have a date for the airing of these last dramatizations.

I also worked in a series also by Elena Palacios, “Gatos, máscaras y sombras”, whose theme is gender violence, and it should be aired in September. In this series I did play a character that I love, called “Lisy.” It is very beautiful. I loved it and what satisfied me the most is that it is totally different from everything I have done so far in my career. It generated a lot of emotional, spiritual, and mental commitment. It was all super special. You will see the result.

And right now I am filming the soap opera Sábados de gloria under the direction of Tamara Castellanos and Ernesto Fiallo; in this soap opera, I play the role of “Paloma,” another very beautiful character, and that soap opera should come out in January, when Renacer ends.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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