Over Nine Million Citizens Complete COVID-19 Vaccination in Cuba


Over Nine Million Citizens Complete COVID-19 Vaccination in Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
15 April 2022
Imagen principal: 

Havana, April 14 (ACN) Nine million 927 thousand 73 citizens—86.6 percent of the Cuban population—have completed the three-dose COVID-19 vaccination scheme with homegrown vaccines, according to the Health Ministry.

Up to April 12, ten million 644 thousand 231 citizens have got at least one dose of the vaccines Soberana 02, Soberana Plus, or Abdala; nine million 395 thousand 756 persons have got two shots.

Meanwhile, booster doses have benefited a total of six million 432 thousand 858 people, according to the report, which adds that the island has administered 35 million 556 thousand 960 COVID-19 doses up to April 12.

On Thursday, the Cuban Health Ministry reported 449 new COVID-19 cases, no deaths while 571 patients recovered from the disease.

Since March 2020 when the coronavirus appeared in Cuba, the country accumulates one million 98 thousand 563 COVID-19 confirmed cases, eight thousand 519 deaths from the disease and one million 87 thousand 923 recovered patients, 99 percent of all persons infected with the virus, according to the report

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