Massive Protests in Peru Force Boluarte to Advance the Elections

Massive Protests in Peru Force Boluarte to Advance the Elections
Fecha de publicación: 
12 December 2022
Imagen principal: 

Over the last 24 hours, strong protests have been registered in Andahuaylas, Lima, and in the municipality of Chala, where some 2,000 people have blocked the Pan-American highway.

In the early hours of Monday, Peru's president Dina Boluarte decreed a state of emergency in "the areas of high social conflict" where thousands of citizens have taken to the streets to demand her resignation and the advancement of general elections.

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"I have ordered that control of the internal order be recovered peacefully, without affecting the fundamental rights of the citizenry," she said after a brutal police repression left two citizens dead in the city of Andahuaylas.

Boluarte assumed the presidency on Dec. 7, replacing Pedro Castillo, who was removed by the Peruvian lawmakers after he ordered the dissolution of Congress, announced the formation of an "Emergency Government," and called a constituent assembly.

Initially, Boluarte said she would finish her term in July 2026. After the protests, however, she announced that she will send to Congress a bill to advance the general elections to April 2024.

She explained that the approval of the bill implies constitutional reforms that should be approved for the most expeditious procedure.

"From now until the elections, my administration will promote a parliamentary agreement to reform the political system, which will allow for a more efficient, transparent and participatory democratic system of government," Boluarte said, adding that this reform is expected to eliminate all corruption practices and legitimize political parties.

Since the former President Castillo was removed from office, citizen discontent has been increasing in quantity and intensity. 

Over the last 24 hours, strong protests have also been registered in Lima and in the municipality of Chala, where some 2,000 people have blocked the Pan-American highway.

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