Cuba's FM rejects new US measures against his country


Cuba's FM rejects new US measures against his country
Fecha de publicación: 
28 September 2020
Imagen principal: 
Havana, Sep 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez rejected on Monday the new US measures against the country and the statements in that regard by the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
On Twitter, the FM pointed out that the sanctions against AIS Remesas Cuba, a company that makes possible to send money to relatives residing on the country, seeks to tighten the economic blockade 'to try to manipulate the voters of Florida.'

Rodriguez added that the sanction is a maneuver aimed at damaging the Cuban people, and mainly the ties that unite families in both nations.

The US Secretary of State tweeted that on Monday, sanctions were established against AIS (American International Services), a company that Pompeo says is 'controlled by the Cuban military' and on which he adds, 'it steals money from remittances.'

Pompeo insisted on the arguments used to increase the known list of restricted Cuban entities and subentities, referring that those are the source of incomes for the Cuban government, which they also accuse of interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela.

Over 200 Cuban companies make up the list of institutions with which Americans cannot do business or any type of transaction, among which are even hotels, marinas and recreational centers.

In June, the Trump administration included FINANCIERA CIMEX S.A (FINCIMEX), the main exchange agent of Western Union, one of the channels for sending remittances to Cuba.

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