Cultural options in summer: Everywhere?


Cultural options in summer: Everywhere?
Fecha de publicación: 
2 August 2017
Imagen principal: 

Cultural institutions in Cuba stand behind the special offers in Cuba’s major cities for the summer stage. But, what is happening in smaller towns?

We are amid holidays and some people still say they are bored. It is normal: cultural options are never enough, no matter how many cultural and sports activities citizens may enjoy.

It is already known that meeting all expectations is quite complicated.

There are lots of people who do not like going out due to excessive heat or the lack of transportation. They just feel content with watching the special TV programming broadcasted this summer…or the audiovisual programs delivered by alternative ways.

Nonetheless, we coincide that there are several proposals to match different tastes, at least concerning culture, at least in major cities…But the truth is that in small towns things do not change much.

Perhaps reports say otherwise, but many cultural institutions in “rural” areas of the country continue sleeping the rest of the year.

Some Houses of Culture have not planned any activities for children and teenagers this vacation. It should not surprise us if we take into account that they do nothing the rest of the year.

Big shows, the best orchestras, the most popular artists cannot reach all places. Therefore, the sole solution is just to wait.

But there is potential everywhere: professional or amateur artists, cultural promoters, art teachers…The summer is great time to organize workshops, performances, and activities for the community. And resources are certainly needed (they have a budget they need to manage well), but also will, imagination, and enthusiasm.

Playing recorded music via speakers is not synonym of cultural programming. And this is all the option several municipalities have all summer.

Citizens of major cities have it as secondary entertainment activity. However, television and festivities in every square are the sole entertainment for some rural areas.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / CubaSi Translation Staff

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