Responsible Development for the Planet
On September 2015, the UN member nations agreed to approve the so-called “2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development” with the goal of transforming our world, by making it more viable and hence stop the harm we were causing to mankind. In this regard, 17 comprehensive goals were set, which covered all vulnerable aspects of Planet Earth. We must go deeper to right certain behaviors and process favoring the deterioration of our planet. Some of these goals are poverty, education, gender equity, climate change, and environment. The initiative offers the opportunity to better society and build a better world.
Over 150 heads of States and Government signed the 2030 Agenda and its enforcement started all over the world since January 1, 2016. Since then, efforts are made to reach the goal of living under sustainability. It seems utopic sometimes, and it is really hard because we do not have much time. But we just need the will and fixed plans at a governmental level with specific strategies.
One of the goals addresses the need to guarantee forms of sustainable consumption and production. Difficult but not impossible. It rather promotes the efficient usage of resources and energy as well as the construction of environment-friendly infrastructures; improve the access to basic services, and create ecological, well-paid jobs with good working conditions. Ig this goal can be met, the quality of life of individuals could improve, and financial, environmental and social costs would be drastically reduced.
Sustainable consumption and production is goal number twelve and is based on the attempt to do more and achieve better results with the use of fewer resources. To achieve it, it is necessary not only to reduce the use of capital, but also degradation and pollution, in order to obtain net profits and achieve a better quality of life while taking care of the planet. Companies, merchants, consumers, as well as politicians, researchers, scientists, the media and development cooperation organizations should be involved in this process. Together, we can achieve cooperation in the supply chain, from its origin to its final destination. To do so, consumers should be made aware, educated so that they assume other sustainable ways of life.
Compliance with this point is undoubtedly linked to how sustainable business practices occur and how consumers behave. We must put all of our emphasis on this. To meet this goal, international standards on the management of chemicals and hazardous waste must be respected.
For different societies, it should be paramount not to base their economic growth on the use of natural resources. Sustainable development advocates the naturalization of life. But this is currently a utopia because the world does not resist obtaining wealth without exploiting the assets of the environment. Consequently, the accomplishment of this point looks threatened. Every day there is more consumption of natural resources, and many economies depend on it.
The goal of responsible production and consumption is one of the most difficult to embrace because it is closely related to environmental pollution. And although many countries face difficulties to have a healthy atmosphere, soil and water, it has become a struggle of just a few, with poor results. It is practically impossible. Consequently, pollution grows every day. Meanwhile, the years go by and we are seven years away from the date set.
However, we still have time to reflect and act, but it is only possible if there is really a will to promote solutions and start living in greater harmony with the environment.
Although the Sustainable Development Goals are not mandatory by law, and are only based on an agreement between the UN nations, we still hope that governments embrace them all and change begins. Time is short, but we can still do a lot to eradicate poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that this is the most prosperous world possible. The change is in every one of us and we can contribute together to reduce the ecological damage we have caused. All we need, at least to this point, is to change the methods of production and consumption of goods and resources.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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