Cuban Lawmakers Consider 2025 State Budget Bill


Cuban Lawmakers Consider 2025 State Budget Bill
Fecha de publicación: 
18 December 2024
Imagen principal: 

Cuban Finances and Prices Minister Vladimir Regueiro submitted the country’s 2025 state budget bill to the Parliament commissions working ahead of the Fourth Session of the Cuban National Assembly of People’s Power to open sessions on Wednesday.

Regueiro explained that the budget proposal is in tune with the government’s actions to correct distortions and boost the economy, and with the indications related to the drawing up of the Plan of Cuban Economy.

He referred to the deterioration of global economic conditions affecting the island with increasing limitations showing in economic and social programs and in the goals of the country’s Economic and Social Plan up to 2030.

Consequently, the country’s State Budget prioritizes the basic services for the people as it also addresses demographic and rural challenges while offering protection to vulnerable communities.

The minister also said that the budget targets the recovery of the economy in primary and strategic sector, and the gradual improvement of the entrepreneurial sector, a key actor in Cuba’s economic model.

Regueiro also referred to the need to strengthen the tax system as a key element to guarantee financial resources for the state budget. More efficient control of expenses based on saving resources, rationality and moderation are important elements to bear in mind. And his takes rigorous and disciplined budgetary work, which allows reducing the fiscal deficit, the public debt and the control of inflation, the minister noted.

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