15th Ernest Hemingway International Colloquium to be celebrated


15th Ernest Hemingway International Colloquium to be celebrated
Fecha de publicación: 
15 June 2015
Imagen principal: 

Subjects like the presence of the United States in Hemingway’s life and work; the efforts in the conservation, preservation and promotion of the legacy of the author of The Old Man and The Sea and his relationship with other writers and artists will be analyzed in the meeting devoted the 90th anniversary of the publication of the short stories book In our time, and the 80th anniversary of Green Hills of Africa, which many have considered as a novels and others, as a travels, adventures book. 

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) lived in the town of San Francisco de Paula in Havana for some twenty years. He loved the Island and he wrote here the most numerous part of his work. “For certain reasons, there are little researched edges of his life and work that now require approaches that need to be written, publicized, to be hold in the memory of the next generations”, stated Ada Rosa Alfonso Rosales, director of Finca Vigía in a conference press.

During the Colloquium there will be homage to Rene Villareal—who died on October 5 of 2014—and who was the famous author trusted man and worker of Finca Vigía from 1962 to 1968. He is responsible of the preservation of a great part of personal collection the Museum treasures at present.

The participants in the meeting will have the possibility to tour the places the Literature Nobel Prize used to visit like La Bodeguita del Medio, Cojímar and the Floridita restaurant-bar. The presentation of the books Hemingway: ese desconocido, by Cuban journalist Enrique Cirules and El último león, by the Argentinian researcher Ricardo Koon will take place during the event.

The Finca Vigia Distinction will be presented to Japanese Hideo Yanagisawa, Argentinian Ricardo Koon, the U.S. Florida Keys Tree Institute, and to the gathering of international organizations devoted to preserve the heritage of the renowned writer. 

Translation: Liana Fleitas (Cubarte)

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