EDITORIAL: The Party of Unity
A discussion process among all members of Cuba’s Communist Party (PCC) and the people in general, has kicked off on the basis of the document that abridges the ideas, concepts, and guidelines taken from the Central Report to the 8th Congress of PCC, the closing speech, and the documents approved in the working commissions.
Two concepts will be in the spotlight of debates: continuity and unity.
The First Secretary of PCC, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, noted in a Politburo’s recent meeting that it is mandatory that everyone perfectly understands both the impact of these two concepts and the best way to defend that unity and continuity.
Both are precisely two of the main concepts targeted by the enemies of the Revolution, who pair each of them (on purpose, in full awareness of their importance to the country we dream of) with an allegedly lack of democracy.
In the words of some of these people, the Party wants a common and unique idea among Cubans. And hence, a single-mindedness is imposed as a result.
Actually, that unity the PCC is advocating does not mean uniformity of opinions or viewpoints. The Party’s goal is not to impose a unique thinking or encourage a hegemony. Its goal, definitely, is to follow a common path.
The Party encourages debates, the honest discussions on the very wide diversity of issues within the social, political and economic life of the nation.
The First Secretary highlighted so in the meeting: “It is paramount in order to preserve unity —and this is a concept expressed by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz— that a single-party model must be more democratic, increase involvement, achieve greater consensus, and work more collectively.”
The single Party, he stated: “must represent the interests of the whole nation.”
The challenge to achieve the necessary consensus among all population on a common idea of sovereignty —which is basically an idea of collective progress— is huge.
That what the Cuba’s Communist Party stands for. It must always be a moral authority.
Díaz-Canel insisted on the fact that such moral authority rests on the Party members’ shoulders, so it may be also a shared value among revolutionary men and women and the whole population.
The historical generation earned this authority with actions, more than words. Fidel Castro bequeathed the Party an extraordinary political heritage.
“We must preserve the leadership and moral authority of our organization,” Díaz-Canel pointed out. And then he added: “The generational renewal is fundamental for achieving unity. That is why we need to work hard, from the Party, with young generations.”
These are particularly-demanding times. The PCC’s top priority are now the development of the domestic economy, the struggle for peace and ideology strength. These are the fronts in which the future of the Revolution is decided.
The present generation of Party’s members has to keep up with its historic times. They bear a huge responsibility on their shoulders.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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