EDITORIAL: A Congress for the Revolution
The 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) has just begun. And it will be a conclave of special significance. It will be the Congress of the generational change. For the first time ever, the historical leaders of the Revolution will not take responsibility leading the political organization. For the first time ever, a Congress will be held without the physical presence of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro. And it will be held in a particularly challenging context in every aspect of the national life.
The pandemic, which is causing havoc worldwide, has posed a lot of problems and challenges to Cuba. The country undertakes a process of economic and financial reordering, which affects all the social structure. The US blockade imposed on Cuba limits our potential development and affects the commercial relations with the rest of the world. The attempts to destabilize the nation, encouraged by power groups opposed to the Revolution based essentially in US, are scaling up. There is an urging need to revive the domestic productive capacity. New models of cultural consumption emerged, linked to the impact of new communication technologies…
These are some of the problems this Congress must address, reaffirming the role of the Party as the vanguard political force of the Revolution.
But the PCC, contrary to what some people believe, is not the administration. There are guidelines the have been proposed by the Party, but their execution only corresponds to the behest of the government, organizations, and the civil society.
The course of action is set. It is naïve to think that the Congress may abruptly changes this endeavor. The Congress will actually reaffirm that course and devise strategies that will become politics in permanent dialogue with the people.
This is, as it has often been said, the Congress of continuity. Some harbor the hope of dissolution, a change of course, a breakup. They believe to see cracks in the intergenerational dialogue. But the commitment to the essential principles of the Revolution is inalienable. And it does not translate into ultraconservatism, refusal to change when needed, or being contrary to criticism.
The Communist Party of Cuba is the Party of unity. That unity is upheld by the respect to the full dignity of men and in the sovereignty of a people. These are watchwords of the Revolution. And the PCC is the Party of the Revolution.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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