Sanders Better Positioned Than Clinton to "Crush" Trump


Sanders Better Positioned Than Clinton to "Crush" Trump
Fecha de publicación: 
11 May 2016
Imagen principal: 

U.S. presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders — who is considered to in the United States to be the most popular politician in the last 35 years — is polling very well in the polls among independent and new voters which puts him in an extremely better position than Hillary Clinton to smash the Republican presumptive candidate Donald Trump as the electoral process continues.

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The most recent polls show that Sanders would easily defeat Trump in the November presidential elections by more than 14 percentage points, which according to the Huffington Post is a “landslide (victory) in modern politics.”

As the U.S. news outlet said, in the face of a racist and xenophobic billionaire with no political experience — Trump — who seems to be the undisputable Republican candidate, Sanders emerges as the strongest Democratic nominee to trounce the real estate mogul when the time comes to decide who will lead the United States for the four years after Barack Obama ends his term in office in January 2017.

Bernie is, “In fact ... the only candidate this year who polls consistently stronger among independents than Donald Trump, which explains his advantage in poll after poll,” the Post added.

Analyst believe that independents will decide this election and they will do so in favor of Sanders, who they overwhelmingly prefer.

“When independents are allowed to vote .... we've ... seen how well Bernie does” in primaries and caucasus, Huffington Post explained in a long op ed published Wednesday.

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“Some might say November is a long way off, but historically April and May polls have proven accurate about presidential elections,” it added, arguing that Sanders is ahead without a doubt.

The news outlet went on to explain how important approval ratings are:

“The next most important predictor of electoral success is approval ratings. Bernie Sanders has approval ratings that historically place him comfortably among the winners of the last three decades of presidential elections,” it said, noting that the senator from Vermont is today the most popular politician in the last 35 years.

And by comparison, it added, “Trump and Clinton have among the worst approval ratings of any candidates in history who have reached this stage. Simply put, whichever party gets to nominate Bernie Sanders will win.”

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