Brazil offers 100,000 scholarships in foreign universities


Brazil offers 100,000 scholarships in foreign universities
Fecha de publicación: 
26 June 2014
Imagen principal: 

The president said Wednesday that this second phase of the program will come into effect next year 2015, thanks to cooperation programs with universities and governments of other countries.

Rousseff also recalled that his Government launched “Science without Borders” three years ago and, to date, of the 101 thousand scholarships initially proposed, has already received 83,000. Given the success of the initiative, “we define another 100 thousand scholarships will be offered to young Brazilians,” he added
The Science without Borders program offers fellowships mainly in the areas of engineering and science in order to improve your experience and research on innovation in the country.
Education Minister, Henrique Paim, recalled that 25 percent of the student Invesiones borne by private companies, while the rest by some state-controlled, including Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras).He stressed that the main destination of Brazilian has been the United States, with 32 percent of otrogadas scholarships, followed by the UK, Canada, France and Germany.
In that sense, the dignitary stressed that “education is strategic to ensure that millions of Brazilians out of poverty not return to that condition (…) We need education infrastructure and policy that values ​​teachers.”
On the other hand, confirmed that Brasilia is about to enact a national education plan, whose main objective is to ensure 10 per cent of GDP to the education sector.

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