WikiLeaks publishes second batch of docs from CIA chief's personal email


WikiLeaks publishes second batch of docs from CIA chief's personal email
Fecha de publicación: 
22 October 2015
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The first set of documents published on Wednesday contained reports on Afghanistan and torture, and ideas for US policy towards Iran.

RELEASE: CIA chief John Brennan emails -- day two
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The new release contains Brennan's address book and a full version of 'Executive summary of key findings and recommendations on Afghanistan and Pakistan’, some pages of which were published on Wednesday by Anonymous.

The November 2008 report compiled by a team of Senate analysts is accompanied by a memo from Louis Tucker, the minority staff director for Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Christopher “Kit” Bond (R-Missouri).

“Everyone we spoke with on the ground in Afghanistan and Pakistan confessed that they know of no overall USG strategy for the region,” Tucker wrote. “Rather, we observed quality individuals serving judiciously in their own lanes ungoverned by a coordinated, comprehensive strategy.”

The US government would have to develop a “comprehensive regional strategy designed to meet a set of clearly defined goals,” Tucker’s memo concluded.

READ MORE: CIA chief’s emails exposed: Key things we learned from WikiLeaks’ Brennan dump

The 13-page executive summary details the Senate team’s findings on the topics of security, reconstruction, nation-building and narcotics cultivation in Afghanistan.

Disparate priorities of various US, UN, NATO and coalition structures in the region have sometimes resulted in “counter-productive actions and programs that have not always been tailored to local conditions,” US officials told the analysts.

The mission to eliminate terrorists from Afghanistan ended up being broader than originally anticipated, and the US has failed to adjust, the Senate team wrote. “If we continue on this path, we will surely fail.”

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