Argentine Minor Raped by Neighbor, Forced to Give Birth
Despite a law that states abortion can be carried out until the 24th week of pregnancy in the province of Jujuy, a 12 year-old child gave birth via caesarean section, and subsequently gave her baby up for adoption.
The 12 year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was forced to give birth by caesarean section despite requesting an abortion in the Argentine city of San Pedro, in the province of Jujuy.
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An Argentine minor requested an abortion after an initial ultrasound following a heinous rape in the city of San Pedro. She was denied by doctors who feared for her health.
The child was sexually assaulted by a neighbor, who claimed he'd kill both the victim, and her family should she report it to authorities.
A spokesperson at the hospital reported that both the victim and the newborn were in good condition, and that the baby would be put up for adoption.
"The caesarean is done ... a girl was born who did not need resuscitating, and is in neonatology; both are well, "the spokesperson said to Clarin Health Minister of Jujuy, Gustavo Bouhid.
Last week, Argentine's took to the streets of Jujuy to protest the lack of legislation for abortion, with the Fundación Más Vida, a pro-life group, lodging an injunction with Jujuy's courts last Wednesday to stop any related medical intervention on the girl.
During the march, pro-life groups clashed with abortion activists outside the Hospital Materno Infantil "Héctor Quintana."
In May 2018, a 10-year-old girl in the province of Salta continued with her five-month pregnancy with the support of her family. Her situation made national headlines after her mother took her to hospital over stomach pains. When doctors confirmed her 21-week pregnancy, the girl confessed that she had been raped by her stepfather, according to the Buenos Aires Times.
There are 2,700 births to “girl mothers” between 10 and 14 years old each year in Argentina, according to UNICEF data, which equates to 3.6 percent of all births in the country.
According to the adolescent pregnancy care protocol of the Government of Jujuy, "any pregnancy in a girl under 13 is a product of sexual abuse and can access a legal interruption of pregnancy." Despite this, doctors claimed there would be a "danger to the life of the mother" if the abortion were to proceed.
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