Congressmen Jump on Trump's Anti-Immigrant Train for Mid-Terms
Midterm elections will be held for United States’ Congress and Senate on November 6, 2018, with stakes high for President Donald Trump, immigration has emerged as a central part of the Republican strategy to prevent the Democratic Party from taking control of either house.
RELATED: Trump Turns Migrant Caravan Into Election Issue, Renews Call for 'Big Wall'
The hot-button issue has come to the fore fuel by incendiary comments by Trump have the most recent Central migrant caravan, which is currently on its way to the U.S.
“Midterms are generally base elections, so immigration can be effective for Republicans,” stated Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak.
“Republicans must make the horrendous, weak and outdated immigration laws, and the Border, a part of the Midterms!,” tweeted Trump last week.
Following his lead, Republican representatives and senators made declarations attacking the Democratic Party’s moderate stance on migration, one of them labeled it “dangerous.”
“[The] illegal caravan [immigrant caravan traveling from Honduras to the United State’s] must be stopped,” Pete Sessions, a Republican state representative from Texas, said.
“These folks coming up have commandeered highways going through Mexico with no respect for the law, and when they get here, do you think that will change?” said Republican representative from Virginia, Dave Brat.
President Trump has been successful in promoting Republican candidates against Democrat opponents, as is the case of three Republicans endorsed by him who won seats in special elections held in 2017.
In context, the two immigrant caravans heading to the United State’s from Central America, have rejected the continued attacks by top authorities of the government, starring president Trump, vice president Mike Pence and attorney general Jeff Session, secretary of state Mike Pompeo, amongst others, and part of a strategy consisting in the militarization of the border with Mexico and cutting off aid to Honduras if they did not halt it.
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