Florida: Arms Control at a Very Slow Pace

The Florida board of lawyers can barely hide its little interest in braking the massacres that took place there.
On this academic year alone, reported the Associated Press (AP), there have been 21 killings by gunfire only in Texas and Ohio.
This news agency characterized Florida as a state "with a painful history" of armed violence.
Although last Tuesday the board of lawyers showing great parsimonia resumed its debate on weapons control.
But it was clear, highlights AP, that Republican legislators were not in favor of setting obstacles for this kind of "merchandise".
They were guarding especially assault rifles, which were originally designed for war, but that now are available at any store.
The repubican Bill Galvano, leader of the Florida Senate said that they wished to get to the bottom of the problem.
Imposible, one of the main beneficiaries of this business is the National Rifle Assossiation.
In order to draft new measures aimed at preventing further massacres, a commission was designated.
A year earlier 17 people were killed, and before that 49 at a gay club in Orlando.
Here, surfaced a drama with no solution, the slow and steady cracks of their still shinning society.
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / Cubasi Translation Staff
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