Trump-McCain: Quarrel among Wolves

The death of John McCain shows, among other things, the existent contradictions in the core of the extreme right sector of United States.
The Washington Post revealed, last Monday that Donald Trump refuted praises aimed at the republican senator John McCain, recently deceased.
Regarding the delicate condition of the senator, the spokesman of the White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders; the Chief of Staff, John Kelly, and others agreed to draft an official statement after he passed away praising his service as “hero” during the invasion to Vietnam in the 60’s of the last century.
The Post added that “they both kept a tense relationship”, Trump discarded the official note and he rather posted in Twitter: “my deepest condolences and respect for the family.”
The above-mentioned breaks the customary protocol of the Presidents of the United States, who elaborate documents where they highlight supposed achievements and prowesses of outstanding personalities after their death.
The newspaper, reflected that Trump’s attitude shows his level of hostility towards McCain.
The differences between them were evident since Trump’s electoral campaign in 2015, when he minimized that John McCain was war prisoner for five years in Vietnam, when saying “I prefer people who have not been captured."
Since the president took office, McCain criticized his foreign policy, he voted against eliminating the Obama Care and alerted of its "egotism" and "sympathy for autocrats."
According to the North American press, collaborators and other close to McCain informed the White House that the senator didn't want Donald Trump's presence at his funeral.
The ceremony is scheduled for next Saturday at the National Cathedral of Washington, VP Mike Pence has been invited to the ceremony.
They also invited to mass the former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush.
The burial ceremony will take place on Sunday September 2nd at Annapolis Naval Academy.
The funeral services of the veteran legislator will be divided among the North American capital, where he made a career as a politician for more than three decades, and the state he represented in the Senate, Arizona where he died.
John McCain, died at 81 due to an aggressive brain cancer.
Cubasi Translation Staff / Amilkal Labañino Valdés
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