The dead in Venezuela, Leonardo DiCaprio, and the manatee

The dead in Venezuela, Leonardo DiCaprio, and the manatee
Fecha de publicación: 
18 May 2017
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The international media has put into motion the deadly victims counter in Venezuela. One by one, the victims of such violence generated by the opposition riots in the last few weeks are released.

It is already known that such “protection count” is part of the strategy of the so-called soft coup according to Gene Shark´s manual. The media will keep track of the stats until the U.S. decides when it is time to raise the alarm and then leads an international coalition to invade Venezuela.

I visited Venezuela twice under President Chavez a decade ago. Both times I was surprised how press releases reported hundreds of dead people each weekend due to long revelries. They were Venezuelan deaths, which no one cared much about.

The same occurred in Mexico. The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London released on Tuesday that 23,000 people died in Mexico in 2016 due to drug war. This stats shows Mexico was the second country, behind Syria, with larger number of deaths. Even though the news was released by several newspapers all around the world, no international agency has said a word about the atrocious massacre that is taking place in that country on daily basis.

Almagro´s OAS, for instance, where —oddly enough— Mexico is one of those countries condemning Venezuela, has said nothing about this subject. No words on the hundreds of journalists assassinated or the victims of the brutal capitalism, where human rights are constantly violated. According to the media monopolies, the right to live is only violated in countries where the opposition, as in the case of Venezuela, triggers terrorism and deaths to champion the Empire interests.

However, not all is silenced in Mexico. The world media has not ignored the call popular American actor Leonardo DiCaprio made on Tuesday to President Peña Nieto to save manatees.

According to the Spanish newspaper El Pais: “In a message published in Instagram, where he has 16,6 million followers, the actor has urged President Enrique Pena Nieto to take urgent steps to save this small mammal that lives in the shores of the California Gulf. The request comes at a time when the situation has become dramatic and joins the WWF campaign that has unsuccessfully warned about the imminent extinction of this specie.”

Before the worrying call made by the star of El Renacido, the response of Mexican president was swift:

“I welcome Leo DiCaprio and WWF´s concern about manatees. Mexico has focused all of its efforts to preserve the specie.”

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / Cubasi Translation Staff

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