US: Road to 2016 Elections?
There are already some hints for the upcoming general elections.
For instance, it was recently revealed that 9.34% of children in Miami have no access to safe medical care.
This figure means, translated to reality, thousands of children.
The Wallet Hub Center (specialized on researches on personal finances) revealed the data.
Therefore, this southern State ranks now 3rd among the States with lowest rate of citizens enjoying the medical care.
In 2014, Florida had 695,899 citizens without medical care. It meant 16.57% of its population. Only Alaska and Texas had higher rates.
California and Texas have much more citizens than Florida.
MiamiDiario, one of the digital website of the state, reported that black people have 36.62% lower rates of medical care than white people.
Indeed, the website commented that “is far from other States in health protection”.
Besides, it also highlighted that its governor, Rick Scott, refused to expand the Medicaid’s state assistance.
One of its fragile arguments is that he does not believe in Obama’s ability to maintain the necessary funds to that purpose.
In 2014, another initiative to expand the Medicaid suffered a strong blow in summer.
Any conclusion? Yes, the American extreme right —lawmakers, governors, etc…— are not interested at all in poor people.
Some of its champions, most of them Republicans, are running for the Oval Office in 2016 and they will certainly promote this tendency.
Some of them, like the clown Donald Trump, the publicly liar Marco Rubio, or the expert in massive frauds Jeb Bush, God willing, will not be the Aces in this run for presidency.
There are still some months ahead for the upcoming and billionaire presidential elections in the United States.
It course will be determined by different internal and foreign factors, linked to an explosive hemorrhage of money, perhaps the greatest in human history.
There will be time enough to deeply explore this subject.
Cubasi Translation Staff
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