Spain rules out new quarantine for further outbreaks of Covid-19

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez, today ruled out a new state of alarm in order to confine the 47 million inhabitants of this European country once again, in view of the new outbreak of Covid-19.
In statements to the radio station Cadena Ser, Sanchez said his administration is not considering declaring this harsh exceptional measure, because the evolution of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is not homogeneous throughout Spain, he explained.
In his opinion, the generalized implementation of this constitutional rule, which between mid-March and the end of June imposed a strict quarantine throughout the national territory, would not be justified now.
The president pointed out that, although the current data is similar to that of March - at the height of the pandemic - there are also very important nuances, such as the detection capacity, with almost half a million tests carried out in one week.
Sanchez attributed the increase in positive cases to Covid-19 - to a relaxation of the population in terms of protection levels, after living three months of harsh confinement in their homes.
However, he felt that some of the 17 Spanish autonomous communities (regions) need to improve their strategic capabilities in dealing with the disease and admitted the government's concern about the situation in Madrid.
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