Soyuz spacecraft deemed impossible to repair in orbit
Moscow, Dec 21 (Prensa Latina) The Russian space company Roscosmos reported that it is impossible to repair the damage incurred by the Soyuz MS-22 manned spacecraft docked with the International Space Station (ISS).
According to Roscosmos, even if the breach were sealed during a spacewalk, it would be impossible to pump 44 liters of coolant at three atmospheres into the radiator in open space conditions.
In addition, the temperature control system must then undergo a special test with pressure, which in principle cannot be done in orbit.
Russian specialists managed to stabilize the ship’s temperature by disabling its systems and ventilating it with air from the ISS.
However, once the ship separates from the station and turns on its instruments and engines, the temperature will begin to rise again. Given the strict temperature tolerances of Soyuz instruments, this could cause its systems to fail, the source said.
As it was disclosed on December 15th, the refrigeration system of the ship was possibly damaged by the impact of a micrometeorite, raising the interior temperature to 30 degrees.
The corporation’s staff detected the place of possible damage with the help of the images sent by cosmonaut Anna Kíkina.
According to protocols, Roscosmos could send a reserve ship to the ISS 45 days after an emergency occurs, if that were the case.
The source previously reported that the temperature inside the Soyuz MS-22 was returning to acceptable levels thanks to the actions of experts from the Russian Space Flight Control Center.
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