Solidarity groups conduct activities in Barcelona in support of Cuba (+ Photos)

Barcelona, Spain, Jul 12 (Prensa Latina) Numerous displays of support for the Cuban Revolution took place in recent hours in Barcelona, with the phrase "Trenquem el Bloqueig" (let's break the blockade) dominating over the rallies.
Around 200 people participated in the activities, mainly representatives of the Houses of Friendship with Cuba, parties of the Catalan left, social movements and emigration associations.
The main themes of the demonstrations were the rejection of the blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba, and no interference in its internal affairs.
Ana Ruiz, from the House of Friendship with Cuba in Barcelona, and Ana Posada, from the Jose Marti Association of Cuban Residents in Catalonia, read a statement at the culmination of the activities, which began on Sunday.
Music, dances and slogans reaffirming the support for the socialist course and the repudiation of the desire to suffocate Cuba, served to remember the first anniversary of the attempted soft coup on the island instigated and organized by the Government of the United States.
Sources, among them the Cuban consul general in Barcelona, Alain Gonzalez, pointed out that a small group of citizens of Cuban origin, in favor of the blockade, made threats, insults, shouts of hatred and obscene gestures at the concentration on Passeig de Grácia, “but nobody fell for the provocation”.
The initiatives had the support of organizations such as the Defensem Cuba platform, Eterno Baraguá, Hermanamiento Nou Barris-El Cerro and other groups of solidarity and Cuban emigration in Catalonia.
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