Puebla Group Postpones Meeting in Support of Cristina Fernandez


Puebla Group Postpones Meeting in Support of Cristina Fernandez
Fecha de publicación: 
9 December 2022
Imagen principal: 

“We are going to analyze the instrumental use of the justice system in the proscription of progressive leadership,” former Chilean presidential candidate Ominami said.

On Thursday, the Puebla Group announced that the meeting in support of Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner was postponed as she tested positive for COVID-19.

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The meeting entitled “Popular Will and Democracy. Threats to Democracy from the Military Party to the Judicial Party” will be held at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK) in Buenos Aires on December 19.

Former presidents from Latin America, Spain and Portugal, as well as academic and political leftists, confirmed their participation in an event in which Fernandez-Kirchner will give a speech.

In the Puebla Group event personalities such as the Spanish Vice President Yolanda Diaz and former presidents Evo Morales (Bolivia), Rafael Correa (Ecuador), Pepe Mujica (Uruguay), Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (Spain), and Ernesto Samper (Colombia) will be present.

“We'll analyze the instrumental use of the justice system in the proscription of progressive leadership. This happened with the same forms and mechanisms in Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina,” former Chilean presidential candidate Marcos Enriques Ominami said.

“Alberto Fernandez is the founder of the Puebla Group and asked that the forum not stop supporting Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner,” he added.

Previously, the Puebla Group denounced that the economic and political elites are using the judicial system and mass media as instruments to attack progressive leaders.

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