President Maduro ratifies Venezuela's anti-imperialist nature
President Maduro ratifies Venezuela's anti-imperialist nature
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Caracas, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday ratified Venezuela's anti-imperialist nature and commitment to the defense of national sovereignty.
On Tweeter, Maduro recalled the response the Liberator Simon Bolivar gave in the so-called Letter of Dignity 202 years ago to the US diplomat Juan Bautista Irvinen, before Washington's interference intentions back then.
Maduro stressed that this Bolivarian ideal continues in force in the face of coercive measures imposed by present US administration.
'202 years ago our Father Bolivar reaffirmed the anti-imperialist nature of the Venezuelan people (...) it is the same determination that today assists us to defend our sovereignty with dignity,' Maduro stressed.
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