Latin American Leaders Reject Anti-democratic Coup in Brazil

They strongly reject the invasion of the headquarters of the three branches of government in the nation's capital, Brasilia.
Leaders and political organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean repudiated the attacks on democracy perpetrated this Sunday by supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who invaded the headquarters of the three branches of government in the nation's capital, Brasilia.
RELATED: Pro-Bolsonaro Supporters Invade Congress and Supreme Court
Rulers of several nations condemned the violent acts of a sector of society that does not accept the victory at the polls of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and during this day took over the Planalto Palace (seat of the Executive), the National Congress and the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court.
Press reports indicate that security forces are now taking control of these institutions, after they were invaded and vandalized by violent groups encouraged by the extreme right-wing ex-president.
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel said through Twitter: "We strongly condemn the violent and anti-democratic acts occurring in Brazil, with the aim of generating chaos and disrespecting the popular will expressed with the election of President Lula. We express our full support and solidarity to Lula and his government".
The Venezuelan head of state, Nicolás Maduro, categorically opposed "the violence generated by Bolsonaro's neo-fascist groups that have assaulted Brazil's democratic institutions" and assured that the Brazilian people "will mobilize in defense of peace and their President".
The Argentinean President, Alberto Fernández, positioned himself "together with the Brazilian people to defend democracy and never again allow the return of the coup ghosts promoted by the right wing. Let us demonstrate with firmness and unity our total support to the government democratically elected by the Brazilian people headed by President Lula", he said.
Fernández also affirmed that, in his capacity as president of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), he alerted the member countries to unite against "this unacceptable anti-democratic reaction that is trying to be imposed in Brazil".
The government elected by the people of Brazil did not lack the support of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who assured that "Lula is not alone, he has the support of the progressive forces of his country, of Mexico, of the American continent and of the world".
The foreign ministers of Cuba, Argentina and Mexico, Bruno Rodriguez, Santiago Cafiero and Marcelo Ebrard, respectively, also joined in questioning these attacks by the Brazilian right wing.
Another regional leader, Colombian President Gustavo Petro, said that in Brazil "fascism decided to stage a coup. The right wing has not been able to keep the non-violence pact".
He also expressed his solidarity with the Brazilian government and people and stressed that "it is urgent time for a meeting of the OAS (Organization of American States) if it wants to remain alive as an institution and apply the democratic charter".
The President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, described what happened this Sunday as "an unpresentable attack on the three branches of the Brazilian State by bolsonaristas", who affirmed that "the Government of Brazil has our full support in the face of this cowardly and vile attack on democracy".
The same was done by the former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, who addressed "a call to the international community, multilateral organizations and democratic governments to form a single bloc in defense of democracy in Brazil. The coup will not pass", said Evo.
From his Twitter account, the executive secretary of ALBA-TCP, Félix Plasencia, urged the international community to oppose "neo-fascist groups that intend to carry out a coup d'état against Brazil's democracy and disregard the will of its people".
Internally, the reaction of the president of the Workers' Party (PT), Gleisi Hoffman, stands out, who reflected that "what is happening in Brasilia is not a mass movement, nor is it spontaneous. It is organized by bandits, who have very objective interests: illegal mining, land grabbing, weapons release, militias and other things, all blessed by Bolsonaro. They all despise democracy, institutions".
He also held the Government of the Federal District (DF) responsible "for the invasion of Brasilia and the National Congress. It is a crime announced against democracy, against the will of the ballot box and for other interests".
Finally, he accused the local Governor (Ibaneis Rocha) and his Secretary of Public Security (Anderson Torres), whom he labeled as bolsonarista, of being responsible for what happened.
The president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, repudiated the anti-democratic acts perpetrated in Brasília and affirmed that "the security forces of the Federal District, besides the Legislative Police of the Congress, are committed" to them.
For his part, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, made it known, among other ideas, "that those responsible for promoting and instigating this attack on Brazilian democracy and its main symbols must be identified and punished in accordance with the law".
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