Cuban parliamentary committees will evaluate agreements and socioeconomic advances


Cuban parliamentary committees will evaluate agreements and socioeconomic advances
Fecha de publicación: 
15 April 2024
Imagen principal: 

The working committees of the Cuban Parliament will verify, starting this week, compliance with the agreements adopted by the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) that correspond to their sphere of work, the legislature reported on its site. Web.

Marta Hernández Romero, coordinator of the parliamentary commissions, explained that during the First and Second Ordinary Period of Sessions, in its prior to the permanent working groups.

These agreements are implemented both by the agencies of the Central State Administration and by the commissions themselves, in which their deputies participate, she explained.

She added that it is appropriate to carry out a partial check of them this month, especially those in which no progress has been made and that need to be promoted in their different actions.

Hernández Romero commented that the commissions come to this process after an intense exchange in different territories of the country with residents, delegates, workers, students and other members of the Popular Power system in communities, work centers and students.

She indicated that in this period, five parliamentary visits were made to the country's provinces, more than 25 municipalities, 550 institutions and work centers were visited, and there were about 17 thousand people contacted.

The official assured that the meetings can be reached with a more objective analysis, keeping in mind the work carried out and the elements to be discussed to continue promoting the actions that are planned.

Economic and social advances under evaluation

In the National Capitol, the Economic Affairs Commission will verify compliance with Agreement X-12, with information from the Ministry of Economy and Planning, and verify the progress of the process of decentralization of powers to the municipalities.

Félix Martínez Suárez, head of this parliamentary commission, mentioned that the Constitution of the Republic defines the role of the municipality and the responsibility it has in the vitality of that territorial organization, its people and its economic structures, especially from the approved policy to promote local development.

Work has been carried out on the decentralization of the powers that municipalities must have to achieve this objective set out in the Magna Carta, so that they have the robustness and strength so that, with their structures and their economic organizations, they can offer the greater number of services that the population requires, she noted.

She recalled the words of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, in the different meetings, about the need for the municipality to be robust, to be able to provide and create all the goods and services that its inhabitants demand.

Ramón Aguilar Betancourt, president of the Agri-Food Commission, explained that they will verify compliance with Agreement X-24, related to the Government Report on the implementation of Law no. 148, on Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutritional Security, as well as X-44, on the highest supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture.

We will focus on the results that are already being achieved and on the deficiencies in the preparation of the food balance at the municipal level, in the contracting of agricultural products for the year 2024 and on the impact that the implementation of decree 35 on contracting has had. and the functioning of the contracting and price agreement committees in reducing retail prices to the population, she commented.

She added that they will examine the recommendations made to the Ministry of Agriculture in the exercise of the highest oversight, which may impact the Government's projections to correct distortions and re-boost the economy.

Tamara Valido Benítez, head of the Commission for Attention to Services, specified that crucial issues will be debated in the current context of the country, such as partial control of the X-37 Agreement on the Economy Plan for 2024 with its goals and objectives in the Ministry of Tourism in the first quarter, with emphasis on the behavior of import substitution in the sector, especially food products.

She clarified that this debate will include the participation of the directors of that Ministry, organizations that have very precise missions and detailed information collected by the deputies in parliamentary visits and other specific verification activities in the sector.

She emphasized that this parliamentary commission will carry out the partial check of the Agreement relating to the economic results of the Ministry of Transportation, another of the activities with many criteria, suggestions and high impact on the population.

Miriam Brito Sarroca, president of the Commission for Attention to Local Bodies of Popular Power, stressed that each of the verified agreements has a high impact on municipal and provincial bodies, as well as in the fulfillment of the powers that correspond to the Assembly. Municipal issues as important as the economy, the reduction of the budget deficit, the implementation of the Food Sovereignty Law, services, transportation, that is, improving the quality of life of the people.

The Municipal Assemblies control them through their commissions, popular councils and above all by transferring the criteria of the impact of the inhabitants and through the work of the delegates, at the base where popular control is materialized, she concluded.

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