Cuban handball player successfully debuted in Slovakia

Cuban Pavel Caballero debuted on Sunday in Slovakia's handball as member of the team Tatran Presov, where he intends gaining experience within the professional club circuit in Europe.
One month after his arrival on Slovak soil, Caballero made his debut with Tatran last Sunday in a pre-season match against the Polish team MKS Kalisz Handball, according Prensa Latina news agency.
The Cuban winger stressed the benefit of his debut with the current champions of Slovakia and the additional opportunity of playing local and continental events in the upcoming 2020-2021 season.
In that match, Caballero scored four goals in almost 40 minutes of game, to contribute in the 33-25 win of his side over the MKS Kalisz.
The Caribbean player arrives in Slovakia with four years of experience in Portugal with the SC Horta, with 606 goals scored in 135 games, 155 of them in the 2019-2020 season when he only played 27 games, after the end of the tournament due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
“In Portugal I only played local events (league and cup). Now I am going to take part in four competitions and will face the best clubs in the world, which is going to require more dedication and concentration,”he said.
So far, Cuba has guaranteed the insertion of 22 of its best exponents (15 men and seven women) in European top clubs in Spain (14), France (5), Portugal (1), Italy (1) and Slovakia (1).
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