Biden: His Gradual Negative Trend


Biden: His Gradual Negative Trend
Fecha de publicación: 
23 January 2022
Imagen principal: 

The New York Journal commented on Wednesday that the evaluation of the first year of his government doesn’t show positive signs.

A recent poll indicates that 68% of North Americans surveyed believe that the United States is "on the wrong track."

Likewise, a survey by Morning Consult Politico pointed out that more voters lean towards the Republicans when evaluating the management of the current government.

According to that survey, 68% consider that the country is moving "on the wrong path", while 32% said that the country is going in the "right direction".

Its popularity is also not advancing, since only 41% approve of it.


Authorities consulted anticipated that this year would be complicated and of serious challenges for Biden, especially due to the pandemic and inflation.

Carlos Aguasaco, Associate Professor of Latin American Cultural Studies and Vice President of CUNY City College, gave his opinion on the projection of 2022: “The main challenge is to manage the issue of the pandemic in the best possible way, attending to the chains of productivity and distribution as best they can".

The well-known media notes that his approval rating began to drop in April, but not as sharply as in June and July, with the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

The 42% of those surveyed expressed concern about the state of the economy on 14% security issues and 11% other health issues.

At the same time, such research by the famous Gallup Institute showed that voters have the Republican Party as an option.

The New York newspaper pointed out that in the face of such a setback, the mid-term elections next November could have disastrous consequences for the president.

It has been rightly said that a poll doesn’t say the last word, but looking at the big picture, the balance so far for the Biden government shows unquestionable weak points.

Among them, two essential: the serious health crisis and the economy.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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