Argentina's President defends Latin American integration


Argentina's President defends Latin American integration
Fecha de publicación: 
27 January 2021
Imagen principal: 
Santiago de Chile, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) Argentina's President Alberto Fernandez on Wednesday defended integration, criticized neoliberalism and stressed the need to achieve true equality for women in society.
On his second and last day of his visit to Chile, the president gave a keynote speech at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) as part of the day's activities.

In front of a mostly virtual audience, Fernandez noted that in order to move forward and overcome the aftermaths of the economic crisis exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is imperative to advance in the unity of action among countries and to learn that this can be done while respecting diversity.

The leader warned that it is not a matter of tolerating that diversity because it implies something with which one does not agree, but of admitting the right of each person to choose his or her own model.

The head of State addressed the constituent process in Chile from his point of view and considered that a new Constitution will allow the emergence of another country in which the previous experience is taken into account but the citizenship changes what is necessary for improving society.

In that regard, he assured that he deeply loved Chile, did not want more pain in its streets as he had seen and wished the country to move forward united towards better times.

Referring to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the ruler pointed out that it is not only a disease that claimed the lives of many, but also 'exposed the inadequacies of the neoliberal system.'

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