Italian institute cooperates with Cuba in training restorers


Italian institute cooperates with Cuba in training restorers
Fecha de publicación: 
5 February 2020
Imagen principal: 

Matanzas, Cuba, Feb 5 (Prensa Latina) Experts from the Italian-Latin American Institute (IILA) are giving lectures here to train and update professionals, teachers and students in the preservation of the heritage in this three-century-old western city.

On this occasion, the first two-week phase on timber work concluded and will continue in March at the Daniel Dall'Aglio Trade School, attached to the Office of the City Curator of Matanzas, school officials announced.

These courses are theoretical and practical and deal about treatments to eliminate parasites, and the assembly of chairs, tables and cupboards, as well as the restoration of the original values of antique furniture, leading professor and collaborator Jose Manuel Macias noted.

The IILA donated modern equipment to the trade school, which was named after Italian architect, engineer and stage painter Daniel Dall'Aglio, who designed and executed the architectural jewel that is the Sauto Theater (1863) in this city.

The school is the sixth center of its kind operating in Cuba, as there are others in Havana, Trinidad and Cienfuegos (center-south) and Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba (east).

According to the academic program, classes are taught in masonry, carpentry, general restoration, ceramics, blacksmith's, tinsmith's and historical archeology.

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