Homage to Neruda's Death 41 Years Later

Pablo Neruda died on September 23, 1973, at the Santa María medical clinic, in Santiago, Chile. On Tuesday, Chile and the literary world will mourn and celebrate the 41st year since his death.
Neruda will be payed homage in Chile at “La Chascona” museum Tuesday, where two documentary films about the poet will be screened; “The death of a poet” by Manuel Basoalto and “Winnipeg, the lonely journey” by Dominique Gautier.
La Chascona will also pay homage to Neruda by presenting a musical composition by Sergio Ortega inspired by Neruda's collection of poems, “The Captain’s Verses,” on October 22.
On Tuesday the Chilean embassy in Italy will inaugurate a photo exhibition entitled “The Fire of Friendship,” which will display pictures of Neruda’s visit to Rome and Naples, in 1951.
Meanwhile, the death of the poet is still unclear and under investigation.
Although, official explanations established that the cause of Neruda's death was prostate cancer, his exhumed remains were sent abroad for new autopsies to determine if he was poisoned or not. The final results of the new autopsies haven’t been released yet.
The Chilean Communist Party and the family of the poet believe that the results of the forensic toxicological analysis conducted by the University of North Carolina and by the University of Murcia are inaccurate.
The poet died 12 days after the coup against President Salvador Allende, by Augusto Pinochet, whose U.S. backed dictatorship killed countless civilians, artists and social activists, such as Victor Jara.
The Chilean Communist Party accused Pinochet of poisoning Neruda while he was in the hospital.
The Santa María medical clinic, where the poet died, has also been questioned about the death of the Chilean ex-President, Eduardo Frei Montalva, who became the leader of the opposition against Pinochet’s dictatorship.
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