Cuba: Intl. Meeting on Economy and Development Convened


Cuba: Intl. Meeting on Economy and Development Convened
Fecha de publicación: 
9 March 2016
Imagen principal: 

As a space for exchanges of best practices among Cuban academicians, business persons and non-state actors, the Second International Conference on Economic Management and Development, scheduled for May 16-19, will be held at the capital's Convention Center.

Convened by the National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba (ANEC), the Conference includes the 10th International Meeting of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, the 4th International Conference on Public Administration for Development, the 3rd International Meeting of Cooperatives and the 1st International Meeting on Business Administration and Management.

Oscar Luis Hung, president of ANEC and its organizing committee stressed on Monday at a press conference that the meeting, to be held after the Seventh Congress of the Cuban Communist Party, will be an important contribution in the process of updating of the national economic model.

He underlined that this time there will be a larger participation of non-agricultural cooperative members and self-employed workers, with the aim that the conference serves as an opportunity for enterprising persons to share good experiences in management.

Francisco Borras, Vice President of Scientific and Professional Activities of the organization and in charge of the scientific committee of the meeting, said that, in panels and lectures, new approaches to financial and managerial accounting will be discussed, as well as the role of independent government audit and the effectiveness of public policies.

At the meeting, experts will address other issues such as internal control, banking and finance, local development, tax policy and administration, logistics and production chains.

As it was known, it is estimated that the Conference will be attended by 800 professionals -500 Cubans and 300 foreigners- 200 of which have already confirmed their participation, mainly from Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay and Panama.

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