Next Partial Elections in Cuba will again Stress People´s Support to their Revolution


Next Partial Elections in Cuba will again Stress People´s Support to their Revolution
Fecha de publicación: 
30 March 2015
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During a meeting with political, state and government leaders in eastern Guantanamo province, Lazo said that all society actors must continue to work hard to achieve the success of the elections, which take place as the country updates its economic model and amidst certain changes in the international arena.

Speaking about the role of district councilors, the Parliament president said that there are still some who believe that the delegates or councilors are persons in charge of distributing material resources, but in fact his function is that of being a primary link in the chain of the Cuban political system.

In not few occasions, the delegates are not appropriately considered because they have not solved a specific problem in the district, but such consideration does not take into account the economic restrictions of the country as a consequence of the US economic blockade.

In Guantanamo, Lazo learned local solutions found to the people´s concerns put forth during the previous period, particularly in the areas of water resources, street lighting and the issue of low-voltage areas.

The Parliament president was also briefed about an integral development program for the eastern territory.

Edited by Ivan Martínez

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