The Friendship between Africa and Cuba is as Deep as Indestructible

Just like one day the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution was awarded with it, it was given for his extraordinary merits to the Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Party, the Agostinho Neto Order.
On behalf of the Cuban and Angolan peoples were granted the orders José Martí and Agosthino Neto.
The José Martí Order, the highest decoration bestowed by the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba, was given on Monday to the President of the Republic of Angola, João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, who in turn gave, on behalf of his people and Party, the Agosthino Neto Order to the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Army General Raul Castro Ruz; the President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez; to Army Generals Leopoldo Cintra Frías and Ramón Espinosa Martín, Minister and Deputy Minister of the Cuban Army, respectively, and post-mortem order, to Brigadier General Raúl Díaz Argüelles.
In a formal ceremony held at the Palace of the Revolution of the Cuban capital, the secretary of the Council of State, Homero Acosta highlighted that the Angolan President has kept, with exemplary dedication and together with his people and Party, the work of the Father of his nation, Agosthino Neto, and that Cuba has been honored with his friendship since the difficult years of the Angola War therefore giving the José Martí Order is also a sign of respect and friendship of the Cuban people towards the Angolan people.
On his behalf, João Lourenço assured that in this way "all the people of Angola is receiving this order" and that the deep friendship and solidarity between both countries became eternal when the two countries decided to defend the path of freedom. He also stressed that thanks to the heroic sacrifice of the Cuban people, today Southern Africa is a region of peace, democracy and social justice.
The Cuban President highlighted that among the common challenges of our nations are to defend the right to development, welfare and social justice, the safekeeping of the international peace and security.
The Cuban President recalled that Commander in Chief Fidel Castro was the first non-African personality to receive that honor and that the relationship between that Africa and Cuba "is as profound as indestructible."
He highlighted, among the common challenges of our nations are to defend the right to development, welfare and social justice, the safekeeping of international peace and security, and thanked the recognition received on behalf of the Cuban people. «In the melting pot where Cuban nationality was forged: there is Africa».
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