Ecuador: Seed of evil

Ecuador: Seed of evil
Fecha de publicación: 
28 April 2020

Justifications, hypocrisy. indolent attitude before the pandemic that the people suffer, aggravated by their lack of foresight and hatred in the bowels for what smells of truly revolutionary, make up the modus operandi of Lenín Moreno, whose rise and permanence in power were based on treason against his Party colleagues, the commitment to the Citizen Revolution and the promises to the people, in order to put into practice a neoliberal agenda secretly committed to the right and imperialism.

After helping to put former Vice President Jorge Glas in prison, he found enough time to advocate and protect the court that has just sentenced former President Rafael Correa to eight years in prison to remove him from political life, all in the midst of a panorama where His electoral fiefdom in the province of Guayas is the most affected by the coronavirus epidemic that has already caused hundreds of deaths and the impossibility of burying them properly.

Recall that Lenín, obeying orders from the Empire, expelled the Cuban medical brigade that had given so much welfare to the Ecuadorian with few resources, and reacted late to the serious international epidemiological problem.

Precisely, the most hit place, we emphasize, is Guayas, where not long ago his government had moved, given the impossibility of establishing his management in Quito, the capital, for the time being, as this is the center of the massive popular protest movement against his neoliberal politics.

Lenín thinks that with the support of the army, the local oligarchy, the International Monetary Fund and imperialism as a whole, he could subdue the millions of Ecuadorians affected by the handover of national heritage abroad.

Likewise, he betrayed the promises made to thousands of indigenous people who marched hundreds of kilometers from other parts of the country to give the essential support to the national strike that would make Moreno desist from his claims against the people, the privatization of everything that is state and the elimination of fuel subsidies, which affects many workers in a nation where everything is becoming more expensive and real wages continue to decrease.


After betraying the citizen revolution that for ten years managed to make important improvements in Ecuador and supported him and helped him become President, Moreno undertook a policy of a certain progressive hue, with taxes on large companies and aid for small ones, but this did not It lasted a long time, in the face of criticism from its new allies: the representatives of the large economic groups, the chambers of commerce, the most important media in the country and even union sectors (due to labor flexibility).

In a second moment, the Moreno government began to erase what little of progressive it had left and take a position for a specific side that helped it to maintain itself in power: the right and the representatives of a neoliberalism that helped it obtain millionaire loans. of the International Monetary Fund, with which I indebted the nation.

Thus, in April 2018, Moreno published his second proposal for an economic plan. This time four axes were proposed, highly concentrated on fiscal stabilization and investments: fiscal stability and balance, restructuring and optimization of the State, external balance and sustainability of dollarization, productive reactivation. Along with these axes, several specific policies were presented.

This plan was received with greater pleasure by the dominant groups, since Moreno's intention to reconcile with them was clear. There was no longer any talk of raising taxes on large companies, nor of the emphasis on supporting small companies. Now the greatest concentration was in fiscal adjustment, as well as in the facilities for the arrival of private investment, whether it be with the delivery of natural resources and the extractive exacerbation (pure and simple neoliberalism). This turn of Moreno was seasoned with the almost symbolic mention of the "popular and solidarity economy" without any specific policy.

Although this version of the plan already seemed definitive, the abrupt change of direction in the Ministry of Economy and Finance - positioning itself as a helmsman to a former president of the Ecuadorian Business Committee - made things change again. Thus, Moreno's economic management reached a third moment, which began on May 24, 2018, when he handed over the management of the economy and finances to a former representative of the Ecuadorian business community.

Today Ecuador, like the rest of the world, is in the midst of an epidemic catastrophe, but it does not matter to the president that the people suffer even more, but that their wishes to radicalize the neoliberal approach be carried out.

And it is that, in the midst of the pandemic, Lenín Moreno tries to achieve political survival that has made him surrender and agree with the enemies of the people.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff


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