Trump Boasts General Soleimani Killing as 'American Justice'


Trump Boasts General Soleimani Killing as 'American Justice'
Fecha de publicación: 
10 January 2020
Imagen principal: 

The U.S. President also mocked Democratic lawmakers who questioned his decision to carry out a military attack without consulting Congress.

During a rally held in Toledo, Ohio, President Donald Trump Thursday defended his order to kill General Soleimani, drawing cheers from thousands when he said his death delivered "American Justice."

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“Last week the United States once again took the bold and decisive action to save American lives and deliver American justice," Trump said.

“Soleimani was actively planning new attacks and he was looking very seriously at our embassies and not just the embassy in Baghdad, but we stopped him, we stopped him quickly, we stopped him cold."

On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed a resolution to stop the U.S. President from further military action against Iran.

Besides mocking such a decision, Trump justified his actions by arguing that Democratic lawmakers would have leaked to the media if he had given them a heads-up before the operation.

“He was a bad guy. He was a blood-thirsty terror, and he’s no longer a terror, he’s dead. And yet now I see the radical-left Democrats have expressed outrage over the termination of this horrible terrorist."​​​​​​

Trump's appearance at the arena in Toledo was his first campaign rally of the 2020 election year, a sign of how critical the state is to his winning a second four-year term in office next November.

The U.S. President won Ohio in 2016 by 8 percentage points, flipping a state that had gone for Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012.


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