Jose Mujica condemns OAS after visiting Evo Morales

Former Uruguayan president Jose Mujica, visiting Mexico, condemned the acts of the Organization of American States (OAS) in the coup d'état in Bolivia, after visting former indigenous president Evo Morales.
Morales referred on his Twitter account @evoespueblo to his meeting with the charismatic Uruguayan politician, who is in Mexico City to participate in an international seminar, and was invited to the events to mark the first year in office of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
Morales posted: 'I received the visit of brother Pepe Mujica, former president of #Uruguay and a tireless social fighter for the dignity of our peoples. I appreciate your solidarity with our dear #Bolivia in these moments.'
He also wrote, 'to the Mexican people for their infinite solidarity with #Bolivia and regional democracy. #Mexico and its diplomatic tradition is for us an example of humanity and brotherhood.'
Regarding his meeting with Morales, currently exiled in this country, the former Uruguayan president stated, 'I went to give Morales a hug. Those of us who have been presidents do not stop being human and have feelings like any neighbor's son.'
'The vision of Latin America from Washington is not the vision of Latin America of our indigenous, broke, forgotten, subdued, trampled people,' Mujica said at the Ibero-American University of Mexico City, where he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree.
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