Cuba to compete in C-2 and C-1 in Canoe World Cup

Cuba to compete in C-2 and C-1 in Canoe World Cup
Fecha de publicación: 
17 May 2017
Imagen principal: 

Cuba will compete with two of its best athletes in the Canoe World Cup, to be held in Portugal from June 19-21. The event will gather more than 300 athletes from more than 35 nations.

Cubans Serguei Torres and Fernando Dayan Jorge will compete in the canoe double 1,000 m, discipline where they ended sixth in the Olympic Games Rio 2016.

Both canoeists are registered in the canoe single C-1 5,000m. Torres won the gold medal in this event two years ago in this city.

Cuban athletes will compete again in the second stage of the World Cup, June 26-28, in Hungary. There, both will participate in the C-2 event one more time besides C-1 1,000m.

According to JIT, Torres and Jorge will also participate in the World Championship to be held in the Czech Republic.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / Cubasi Translation Staff

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