Cuba, with Internet, is a great threat to the US

On April 18^th , Cuban writer Raúl Antonio Capote (Cuban undercover agent Daniel within the CIA) made some statements in the National TV News about this technological aggression. Four days later, his Facebook profile was banned and was forced to remove /Razones de Cuba/´s link from the webpage.
After some bloggers and the TV program Mesa Redonda denounced the lack of freedom of speech, opinion, and content publishing in Facebook, the censors of this popular social network restored Capote´s profile.
In the light of such events, CubaSí talked to the author of /Enemigo/ and /El hombre que por varios años burló a la CIA/.
Why do you think Facebook is now banning your profile? Does it have to do with Zunzuneo´s whistleblowing?
I am sure it does. It is not by chance that I made some statements on national TV on April 18^th and four days later my Facebook profile is banned.
Why is Facebook so offended with /Razones de Cuba/ or the fact that Cuba has reasons to defend its sovereignty?
Two days after the banning, I was warned I must remove the links to /Razones de Cuba/ and the blog /El Adversario Cubano/ because they alleged both had photos and messages that violated Facebook terms ---according to them, offensive content such as photos and articles related to a students´ protest in Colombia a year before, and fascist demonstrations from Venezuelan opposition. However, the offensive photo was the one where it was urged to kill Chavez supporters, and not the one they censured in my profile.
/Razones de Cuba/is a webpage aimed at denouncing CIA actions against Cuba and featuring the testimonies of Cuban State Security agents on these actions, testimonies of terrorism victims. The blog /El adversario cubano/ has followers all around the world, more than 167 countries, mostly Americans who read and share its contents. Its goal is similar to that of /Razones/, to denounce illegal activities of the CIA and U.S. government against Cuba and the world. That is why I was requested to remove the links. It hurts them.
Why is it young people and their likes for new technologies the target of Washington´s interventionist policy against Cuba?
They do not know Cuban youth. The U.S. usual arrogance makes them confuse wishes with reality. They think they can achieve here what they have achieved all over the world. I heard them say and admit their defeat before the historical leaders of the Cuban Revolution. They have not achieved any goals with our generation either. They believe that they can undermine our socialist project by confusing, demobilizing the youngest generation. They are wrong. Most of our young people love this country and believe in the Cuban Revolution. There are thousands of actions that prove me right. Of course, we are not perfect and some of our young generation has marginalized themselves.
Does anyone believe for real that the thousands of physicians, professors who go to the furthermost parts of the world, do it for money? 100,000 Cuban physicians have accomplished international mission in Venezuela, the 99.3 % of them have accomplished with honor such mission where no one goes. No physicians trained by capitalism go there despite the enormous pressure on their shoulders, or the amount of money to buy their services. Thousands of young people are today in the forefront of production, science, culture, and defense of the country. They are criticizers, rebels, and show their criteria with absolute freedom. They are the result of a project that places men as the most important element. They are the result of the Revolution.
We cannot fear new technologies. They want to use it to confuse, divide us, to mobilize their supporters to their possible counterrevolutionary activities. But they are the ones who fear new technologies. That is why they try hard to prevent Cuba from using them. That is why they impede U.S. telecommunication companies to invest and do business with their counterparts in Cuba. They know Cuba would develop from the tremendous qualified and well-trained force. They fear us. They fear the boost it gave to the development of our country. They appeal to illegal business because their goals are malicious, ill-fated. They deny us the legal access and then, they tell our countrymen "look how bad is your government", which impede Cuban citizens to access to the Internet. Well, let´s see. Remove the blockade to new technologies and we will see.
Some American officials dream of creating in Cuba a sort of uprising against the government in the style of "Arab Springs". Could it be successful if all Cuban citizens can access to the Internet?
I partially answered it in your previous question. They do not want Cuba to have legal access to Internet. They know the truth will always come up and they fear Cuba´s symbolism in the world. Cuba defends a project contrary to global capitalism, which is neoliberal and deeply rooted to media. Cuba defends a project of 55 years of existence, which has showed its natural skill to nurture from the counterculture it generates. That is why we are their number one enemy. Cuba, with Internet, is a great threat for the U.S. That is the reason why they block any business between Cuban and American telecommunication companies.
What is the message you can convey to Cuban youth especially after zunzuneo?
Be alert! Do not let them confuse you! Remember Che´s legacy, his warn: Never trust imperialism in no way at all. I knew the enemy. I knew the CIA and its servants. Nothing good we will find in those who look down on us and hate us. We are for them slaves of the powers and merchandises. You must always remember Revolution is not an abstract thing, but Revolution is all of us. We are all Revolution against the empire. We are lots of Fidel.
Sergio Paneque / Cubasi Translation Staff
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