USA: That Huge Target


USA: That Huge Target
Fecha de publicación: 
15 November 2017
Imagen principal: 

This Sunday, the Associated Press (AP) informed that in a small church of Texas, massacre took place where 26 people were killed and other 20 were wounded.

It’s a temple which its parishioners took pride as the heart of their community, now changed into a somber scenario.

Among the victims appeared the daughter of the shepherd Frank Pomeroy.

The church was surrounded by detectives and local and federal policemen.

Richard Rodríguez, 51 years old, who attended the church every Sunday is unaccountable for so far, as her daughter, Regina Rodríguez manifested who said: "I believe I have just lost my father."

Another of the victims Crystal Holcombe was eight month pregnant.

Experts have attributed that the repeated firearm tragedies in the United States it’s due to the simplicity of purchasing firearms at commercial stores.

So far all efforts to stop this selling have failed due to the ocean of money the National Rifle Association contributes to politics officials of the United States, a group really close to Donald Trump.

Their shield, an amendment passed many years ago when circumstances in this country were very different to those nowadays.

This has enabled several North American politicians to obtain large amounts of money for their electoral campaigns.

The same politicians who have later been against restricting the firearm sales to any citizen.

What is the biggest concern among analysts?

That that said has become something natural in the breast of that society.

That is, the incorporation of the culture of armed violence to the American Way of Life as hours ago corroborated the events in the tragedy at the Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

Equal to say, the changing of that other territory in a huge target.

Amilkal Labañino Valdés / Cubasi Translation Staff

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