Washington: Near the Announcement of Politics Changing towards Cuba


Washington: Near the Announcement of Politics Changing towards Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
16 June 2017
Imagen principal: 

Thus commented last Wednesday Andrés Oppenheimer journalist committed in body and soul to the United States,.

Born in Argentina he was trained and awarded in the U.S. Now he published an article on the announcement that Donald Trump will pronounce today regarding a changing in politics toward Havana.

The title: "The theater of Trump with Cuba."

He begins saying, the leader is right, Obama’s opening toward Cuba did not bring changes to its human and democratic rights.

He adds, but I’m afraid that the plan of partially reverting the current North American politics toward Cuba will only help to "make things worse."

Then came the detail that the partial reverting Of Obama’s opening to Cuba which Trump has planned to announce in Miami, will include two main aspects.

Banning of North American companies making business with corporations related to the Cuban Army and restrictions to the North American tourism to the island.

Trump won’t close the Embassy of Washington in Havana neither he will grant automatic asylum to those stepping on U.S. soil, says Oppenheimer.

His measures won’t inflict great damage either "to the Cuban dictatorship", but it will allow the régime to denounce them.

He later says, neither Obama’s opening in 2014, neither the current partial reverting of Trump in 2017, have been motivated by the desire of democratizing Cuba.

In both cases, he asserts, they were motivated by U.S. domestic issues.

He remembers that Obama was about the end of his term, without any outstanding victory in foreign policy.

The polls showed that even Cuban "exiles" from Miami said that the blockade had failed, reads Oppenheimer’s article.

On the following line he gives a devastating approach:

"In Trump’s case, almost everything he’s done demonstrates that democracy in Cuba, or anywhere in the world, he doesn’t care a bit."

He also disclosed that in 1998 he tried to make business with Cuba, and to endorse it he mentions a Newsweek article in 2016.

Being further more specific he reveals that the effort was carried out "with Trump’s knowledge", through a Consulting North American Firm.

In September 2015, he also wrote, when asked on Obama’s opening to Cuba, Trump told to The Daily Caller:

"I believe that it’s OK", although “we should have made a stronger agreement".

In March 2015, the multimillionaire president declared to the CNN that he would consider opening a hotel in Havana.

According to Andrés Oppenheimer, Trump worries about the democracy in Cuba because he is demand that by the Cuban-American senator Marco Rubio and the congress member from Miami Mario Díaz-Balart.

Then he finishes his article writing: The thing of Trump with Cuba is pure political theater for domestic consumption.

His partial measures won't achieve what prior North American sanctions to Cuba could not achieve in the last five decades.

Prelude not so optimistic hours before the announcement regarding a politics change toward Havana.

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