US Spreads Biological ‘Poison’ Worldwide
Chinese authorities consider the U.S. the biggest threat to global security when comparing the military expenditures of various countries.
A Chinese newspaper points to the role the U.S. has played in escalating crises around the world by funding biological laboratories and promoting wars.
In an article published Sunday, China's state-run daily The Global Times addresses how the United States has been stoking crises around the world for years to maintain its so-called hegemony.
Concerns over U.S. biological weapons were triggered after the Russian Defense Ministry revealed documentations, according to which, Washington earmarked more than $200 million for the operation of biological laboratories in Ukraine.
From the U.S., there were mixed reactions to this. U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland acknowledged that Ukraine has "biological research facilities". Subsequently, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki denied the “false information” launched by Moscow about alleged U.S. biological and chemical weapons laboratories on Ukrainian territory.
In fact, according to several analysts, these biological laboratories are dedicated to collecting genetic samples from Chinese and Russian populations and apparently seek to initiate a war or bacteriological attack on the basis of ethnic cleansing around the two countries in question.
U.S. history is full of wars and slaughter. During its more than 240-year history, there were only 16 years in which the American country was not at war, The Global Times reminds its readers.
After the end of World War II, the U.S. became the most powerful country in the world; however, war became an important tool for Washington to maintain its hegemony.
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