The US maintains a brutal communication campaign against Cuba

The US maintains a brutal communication campaign against Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
22 January 2024
Imagen principal: 

The United States' policy Cuba is suffocating and develops a brutal and well-financed communication campaign in parallel to try to discredit the Government's efforts to achieve a more sustainable society, diplomat Johana Tablada denounced on Monday.

On the second day of the New Operation Truth international forum, the deputy director general of the United States Department at the Cuban Foreign Ministry explained that the United States does not have a single reason to continue to attack the Cuban Government in the manner in which it does it.

For this reason, Washington resorts to lies and builds an entire narrative that has no point in contact with Cuba’s reality, the official explained to the participants in the forum from thirty countries.

She added that the United States acts with an advantage in the media because it has control of the main media outlets, the cultural industry and social media platforms.

However, this economic power does not nullify the progressive people’s ability to communicate their realities with modern codes.

When updating the participants on the current state of relations between Cuba and the United States, Tablada stated that Washington has failed in its main purpose of overthrowing the Revolution, but the blockade has been effective in deeply deteriorating the quality of life of Cubans, especially with the intensification of economic measures in 2019.

She told participants that Cuba’s inclusion on Washington’s unilateral and arbitrary State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list is one of the measures that causes the most damage, not only because of the lie it represents, but due to the financial limitations it imposes.

Tablada noted that the US foreign propaganda scaffolding aims to hide Cuba’s achievements. For example, it is not a headline in the major media that Cuba handed over the presidency of the Group of 77 and China, after representing the interests of more than 80 percent of the world’s population for a year.

She also referred to the abyss between what the US says that its policy focuses on improving the quality of life of Cubans, when in reality the intensified blockade does the opposite.

Tablada condemned the constant disinformation campaigns about the Cuban medical cooperation mission, religious freedom, the fight against terrorism and those detained after the July 2021 riots.

Despite the paralysis and lack of political will of the United States to negotiate with Cuba, she assured that Havana will not give up its purpose of establishing a civilized relationship with that country on the basis of mutual respect.

Currently, both governments maintain communication on issues related to migration, the fight against drug trafficking, human trafficking and money laundering, she pointed out.

The New Operation Truth international forum is being held in Havana and is sponsored by the Latin American News Agency Prensa Latina.

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