U.S. doctor praises Cuba's health cooperation around the world

Samira Addrey, member of the board of the U.S. organization IFCO-Pastors for Peace, stressed that Cuba's collaboration with the world in the field of health care is a feat and a bastion of hope for many people which should be highlighted in these times marked by the aggressiveness against the island.
A graduate from Cuba’s Latin American Medical School (ELAM) in 2020, Ms. Addrey remarked that ELAM has produced doctors for the world for 25 years, an undeniable proof that Cuba exports health, love and friendship while the United States keeps exporting violence.
“The U.S. has a broken health system where low-income people don’t count because it’s not focused on the human being”, she said, “whereas I was trained in Cuba as a doctor of science and conscience, for the island prepares humanistic and supportive professionals whose task it is to go back to their countries and focus to become an example that another world is possible”.
And she added: “Cuba took me in and treated me like a daughter during the years I was there, and in addition to the skills we learned in medical school we witness a sense of family and of being human that I have not experienced anywhere else”.
The Ghanaian-born doctor works with the ELAM program at IFCO (Interfaith Foundation for Community Organization), a group founded in 1967 by Lucius Walker (1930-2010) and which has decades of experience in the Cuba solidarity movement.
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