Solidarity with Cuba ratified in Iran

Solidarity with Cuba ratified in Iran
Fecha de publicación: 
6 December 2023
Imagen principal: 

Friendship groups and Cubans living in Iran today ratified their solidarity with Cuba in a meeting with President Miguel Diaz-Canel, during his visit to this capital.

The Cuban president, reassured his country’s gratitude and respect for the members of the Cuba solidarity groups in Iran.

While making a tour through the difficulties faced by Cuba and how much solidarity supported Cubans to overcome so many difficulties, he had words of gratitude for those who, from any part of the world, feel Cuba as their home and as a symbol of independence.

During the meeting painters, artists, poets, political and Religious scholars welcomed the Cuban president and congratulated him for the signing of contracts with Iran, while they asked him to join efforts to create a great anti-imperialist fortress, to avoid massacres like the one of Israel against the Palestinian people.

In that sense, the Cuban President remarked that there are many battles to be fought in favor of the welfare of the peoples and that in the same way we are in solidarity with each other we should also be in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers, and work from all political fronts to demand the recognition of the State of Palestine.


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